Author Archives: João Morais

ClanLib SDK

Yesterday I started to write this post while I was “wasting” some time upgrading ClanLib to version 0.8.1 then I thought I should write something about it while it was being compiled.

The truth is that I already talked about this subject a couple of posts ago, when I wrote about “Pingus – A journey into the unknown…”, one of the games I found while searching for games developed with this great SDK.

ClanLib is the same library that me and my colleagues will use to develop our Multimedia Contents Production (MCP) project. I didn’t knew about this library until Filipe Vieira told me about it, he mentioned that we should bet on it for this project development, because it’s a very complete and clean library with lots of cool features.

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Nowadays there are a lot of new TV series, and some of them are really good too.

Because I ain’t have much time to spend on television I try not to watch this new series so that I won’t get addicted to them.

Some of my favorite series are: Seinfeld and The Simpsons, I watch them since I was a kid.

This weekend I had some free time and no stable Internet connection, so my girlfriend convinced me to watch a couple episodes of Moonlight, one of her favorite TV series.

At the moment I’ve watched the 1st five episodes from season one, and they seem pretty nice, maybe I’ll get addicted to this one too.

Moonlight is about the story of Mick St. John an immortal private investigator from Los Angeles, who defies the traditional blood-sucking norms of his vampire tendencies by using his wit and powerful supernatural abilities to help the living.

Read more at CBS website.


One of the worst problems a developer can have while developing a web application is to make it compatible to the maximum browsers possible.

If you are running Linux and don’t have Microsoft Windows installed, or you have it but you don’t want to switch to it just for testing your application in Internet Explorer.

Happily you can use IEs4Linux to test your application, currently supported versions are 5, 5.5, 6 and 7 (beta).

You may read the installation instructions here.

An alternative to this is, if you have Microsoft Windows installed, it’s partition mounted and wine installed you may run the Internet Explorer that you have installed there.

Symfony Framework

A couple of weeks ago I was looking for a PHP framework after a few searches I found one that fits my needs, and that is Symfony framework!

Some of the features are:

  • Built on top of PHP 5, for me that’s a plus since I’m only working with PHP 5 at the moment.
  • MVC support makes application building faster and easier.
  • CRUD generator will reduce code repetitions and useless boring time spent on building this tasks.
  • Lots of support, when you start learning something new, all the support available you can get is a plus.
  • And a lot of other features, such as: Ajax support, smart URL’s, cache management, multilingualism and l18N support, scaffolding, among others. You can check the features list at Symfony Project website.

The only thing I think it’s a bit hard, is the learning curve. What I mean is, you really have to “waste” some time to get to know how the application works, but I think in the end it will compensate.

Hello world!

Since this is the first post here, “Hello world” is appropriated.

For a couple of months I had the idea to create a blog so that I could log some ideas related to web development and other stuff.

Now I’ve been forced to do so, at this semester I have a course named Multimedia Contents Production (MCP) and we need a blog to able the professor to keep track on the work developed by students.

So here it is.

At this time you might think… If this guy is Portuguese why is he writing in English?

Well that question has a good answer, writing in English will help me on practicing my English skills (they are a bit rusty at the moment, so feel free to report any grammatical errors you may find).